Beaver Reintroduction - Afonydd Cymru Statement
Beaver reintroduction - An Afonydd Cymru statement.
Open Rivers…
Easements and weir removals- opening up km of fish spawning habitat for migratory fish.
Prosiect Torgoch
We have been out with NRW monitoring the Torgoch populations in Llyn Padarn.
NWRT sponsor the Wales Ecology & Evolution Network
The Wales Ecology & Evolution Network is a student-run annual conference which aims to promote post-graduate research and create a networking platform for early-career scientists at Welsh Universities. NWRT were excite to partner with early years scientists and Dr Antony Smith spoke at the conference.
Bodorgan Estate Project
Swinging gates on the Afon Caradog. These gates have been installed to replace the old livestock fencing which was causing debris blockages.
Learning about river health…
Our education programme teaching pupils about local river health through hands on action.
The emerging droughts in Wales. The prolonged dry conditions have led to domestic water use restrictions in some areas of the UK in August, with many rivers at all-time low flows.
Overall, Wales has been exceptionally dry too. According to Natural Resources Wales, only 56% of the expected rainfall came to us in July. This follows a relatively dry spring and early summer, with only 61% of expected cumulative rainfall received since March.
South Africa x Wales: Living Labs
An exciting potential global partnership to share knowledge on protecting endangered fish species across the equator.