Dee Trust- Farm advice

As part of our wider plans to support farmers with advice on dirty water storage, slurry storage, sediment traps and more importantly the grants available to do this, we have been training with our friends over at the Welsh Dee Trust.

Our new River Restoration Officers Liam and Alistair spent a day with the Welsh Dee Trust team, learning about the best way to reduce Phosphorous loads entering the river and how to support farmers on the ground.

Look out for our new ‘Farm Advice’ page coming soon and our officers out on the ground. The initial focus will be on our Nitrate Vulnerable Zones in the Clwyd and Anglesey catchments. If you are a tenant farmer or landowner and would like some support get in touch!

Alistair obviously had a great day- and didn’t forget to capture the moment!


Open Rivers…


Pearl Mussel Project