A north Wales Rivers Trust Citizen Science Project

Lab Dwr

Lab Dŵr is a citizen science project led by the North Wales Rivers Trust. It equips volunteers with training and the necessary equipment to monitor and protect the health of our waterways across North and Mid Wales. By gathering crucial data, Lab Dŵr empowers communities to take action and engage in conservation efforts.

why act now?

  1. Pollution - Agricultural runoff, industrial discharge, and urban wastewater introduce harmful pollutants such as pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals, and sewage into rivers.

  2. Habitat Loss - The alteration of river channels, drainage of wetlands, and construction of dams and weirs disrupt natural habitats for fish and wildlife, reducing biodiversity and threatening species survival.

  3. Invasive Species - Non-native species are spreading rapidly in Welsh rivers, with Himalayan balsam alone colonising 13% of the UK’s riverbanks. These species outcompete native plants, degrade habitats, and reduce biodiversity, threatening riverbank stability and native wildlife.

  4. . Over-Abstraction - Excessive water extraction for agriculture, industry, and domestic use reduces river flows, especially during dry periods. In some areas, river flows have declined by up to 50% due to over-abstraction, damaging aquatic ecosystems and degrading water quality.

  5. Climate Change - Changing rainfall patterns, rising temperatures, and more frequent extreme weather events have increased flooding, erosion, and altered river flows by 10% between 2000 and 2020.

  6. Sedimentation and Erosion - Soil erosion from agricultural land and construction increases sediment in rivers. Excess sedimentation is responsible for 30% of impaired spawning grounds for fish in Welsh rivers, reducing successful breeding of species like salmon and trout.

the project goals.

  1. Monitor Water Quality: Collect and analyse data on key water quality indicators, such as phosphates, nitrates, and total dissolved solids.

  2. Empower Volunteers: Provide training and support for community members to become citizen scientists, enabling them to take an active role in protecting their local waterways.

  3. Raise Public Awareness: Increase awareness of water quality issues and the impact of pollution on local ecosystems, encouraging wider community engagement in conservation efforts.

  4. Support Conservation Efforts: Use the data collected to inform and drive targeted conservation actions that improve water quality and restore the health of aquatic habitats.

river ambassador data

Currently we have 18 River Ambassadors participating in citizen science testing of rivers across the catchment. Click on the Map below to view their data.

Get involved

Chemical Testing

Currently all of our funded water quality kits have been allocated to our volunteers. However if you or your community group have the means to fund your own then please get in touch and the team will be happy to assist with purchasing and training on how-to collect and submit your data.


The North Wales Rivers Trust run annual campaigns to raise awareness and make a stand for cleaner water.

For more information on our upcoming campaigns submit the form below with the subject: CAMPAIGNS

River hubs

The North Wales Rivers Trust have set up four river hubs for invertebrate sampling: Rhosneigr, Llanberis, Bethesda and Gaerwen.

For more information on joining a river hub submit the form below with the subject: RIVER HUB