Bodorgan Estate Project

We have recently been working with the Bodorgan Estate in Anglesey, on a consultancy project to find solutions to tackle significant build up of debris across the Afon Caradog.

The debris (pictured above) had been accumulating due to old livestock fencing that ran across the top and width of the river. This was causing a clear strain on the river.

As the amount of debris builds on an object, the force it exerts on the object can result in catastrophic failure and reduce the flow, resulting in the buildup of a backwater and greatly reducing the efficiency of the river.

Additionally, as floating debris accumulates on a structure, it will begin to push downwards, forcing the flow to the riverbed, greatly increasing scour. All of which effect wildlife habitat, fish migration and increase the risk of flooding.

We decided to replace the ‘across river fencing’ with swinging gates. Swinging gates move with the flow of the river allowing debris to pass through.

The effectiveness of this particular structure will be monitored to ensure its effectiveness to both keep livestock out of the lower river and to allow any debris to pass through the catchment.


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Potential Pollution Incident Ruthin