ARe you a silent polluter?

This August we’re raising awareness about all the ways individuals and businesses could be accidentally contributing to pollution.

‘Are you a Silent Polluter?’ is a campaign targeted to tackle misconnections and other pollution sources. This campaign is part of a wider conversation around how we can improve the health of our waterways in North Wales.

It’s not about pointing blame, it’s about opening up the conversation so we can help educate each other.


Plumbing and drainage misconnections pollute rivers and beaches throughout the UK. You can check your property is connected right. If wastewater or sewage is connected to a surface water drain you may be polluting your local river or beach accidentally.

How do the sewage systems work?

1. Two types of drainage system exist:

  • combined where all flows go to foul sewer and are treated at a sewage works

  • separate where clean rainfall drains directly to river, sea or ground, and foul sewage drains to a sewage treatment plant 

2. Two types of misconnection exist

  • sewage or waste water are connected to clean surface water drains

  • clean water is connected to foul drains

For more information, check out Dwr Cymru guidance on misconnections.


championing lab dwr river ambassadors


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