championing lab dwr river ambassadors

This month our River Ambassadors have been out and about in their communities, organising events and taking water samples for our Lab Dwr citizen science project. We want to say a big thanks to all our River Ambassadors and share with you a small snippet of what they’ve been up to!

Afon Dyfi Ambassadors Jenny, Fin & Alice

The Afon Dyfi is lucky enough to have three River Ambassadors who are dedicated to making a change. Taking a divide and conquer approach they have been testing three different sections of the river and sharing their skills with their local community to get more people engaged in river health.

After identifying invasive species the group also carried out a Himalayan Balsam bashing day. Great job!

Afon Cadnant/ Rhosneigr Ambassador George

George has been logging monthly data for the Afon Cadnant and organised a litter clean up around Rhosneigr. 18 volunteers showed up to George’s clean up and a significant amount of rubbish was removed. Amazing effort and we can’t wait to see what he does next!

Afon Caledffrwyd Ambassador Angharad

Angharad sets a great example within her community, creating volunteer opportunities for the local people and taking part in water quality monthly sampling.

Afon Rhythallt Ambassador Ian

Ian has been conducting monthly water quality testing of his local river and has been gathering data on invertebrates. He has also spotted lots of fish whilst out testing - excellent!

If you’re one of our River Ambassadors and would like to be featured in next months update, make sure you’re sending your updates to and tagging us @NWRT on social media.


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