S4C interview- Breaches in WWTW permits

With the recent report by Peter Hammond regarding WWTW (Waste Water Treatment Works). Oisín gave an interview to Newyddion S4C to discuss the concerning findings of the report regarding unpermitted sewage releases into Welsh waters.

The interview was filmed in Caernarfon where the WWTW that discharges into the Seiont had been featured in the report. The Seiont is one of the Major rivers in North Wales and the lower section is also a SSSI.

The report revealed that several water treatment facilities across Wales have been discharging unpermitted sewage into rivers.

During the interview, Oisín emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue and explained the damage that sewage releases can have on the environment as well as public health. Oisín stated,

"The report highlighted the repeated failings to treat sewage before FFT (full flow to treatment) and in its place diverting sewage to storm tanks, lakes or directly into the river. The report also outlined the need for more regulation by the regulatory body."

The discussion on Newyddion S4C with Oisín served as an important platform to raise awareness about the pressing issue of unpermitted sewage releases in Wales and the damaging effect this can have on ecosystems.


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