River Champion Award

Congratulations to our very own chairman Alan Winstone on achieving the national River Champion accolade from the River Restoration Centre.

The success of projects aiming to improve rivers for wildlife and people is largely influenced by the involvement of volunteers. The River Restoration Centre understands the importance of this contribution and wishes to acknowledge those that may otherwise not get recognition. ‘River Champions’ seeks to recognise and celebrate the outstanding efforts of individuals contributing to improving rivers for wildlife and people outside of their day-to-day roles.

Alan says; "I am very pleased, and surprised, to be given this Rivers Champion award. I have been fascinated by rivers since an early age spent fishing the rivers on the Somerset Levels and have been lucky to work on rivers as a career. I now volunteer with a fantastic Team of  Project Officers, volunteers and partners with the North Wales Rivers Trust (North Wales Rivers Trust | Creating a better environment). We have made good progress in recent years to protect and improve our rivers and the wildlife and communities they support but there are still many challenges and much more that we need to do."

Congratulations Alan!


Dr Antony Smith


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