All change at NWRT
It’s all change over at North Wales Rivers Trust.
Chairman steps down
Chairman Alan Winstone has decided to step down after 7 years leading the Rivers Trust in North Wales.
Alan is a retired Fisheries Scientist and Environment Manager with Natural Resources Wales and its predecessor organisations. During this time he witnessed big changes in the aquatic environment many for the better, including improved river water quality and the restoration of habitats and fish passage. However many challenges remained and he used his knowledge and experience to help the Trust to work with others to continue to improve rivers and wildlife on a voluntary basis for another decade after retirement.
Alan has been pivotal in delivering projects to the strategic direction of the organisation. Completely voluntarily Alan has dedicated his time and passion to help restore north Wales Rivers. Alan will continue on as a Trustee for North Wales Rivers Trust.
A new Chairman is voted in …
We welcome long time Trustee Dr Robin Parry into the new role as Chairman of the North Wales Rivers Trust. Robin was brought up on Anglesey fishing the island’s streams and has been a GP in Llanberis since 1989.
Robin is also chairman of the Seiont, Gwyrfai and Llyfni Anglers Society (who have campaigned against the pollution of Llyn Padarn) and chairman of Natural Resources Wales’ North Gwynedd Local Fisheries Advisory Group. Robin was actively involved during the period when Gwynedd was incorporated into the Trust’s activities towards the end of 2012. Congratulations Robin.
We welcome a new Operations Manager
For the first time ever we have an Operations manager in role. A pivotal role in the strategic direction of the organisation.
Laura was formerly from the education sector but has spent many years in the non profit sector both as the founder of a national non profit and working with other NGOS to clean up our waterways. In her previous post she was responsible, for the overall management and strategic development of national water quality campaigns. Alongside this work she has worked as a sustainability consultant across the events and business industry.
Laura will work closely with the rest of the Trustee Team to provide innovative ways of using data and evidence to help understand river environments and deliver river improvements. In particular, she is leading on volunteer and citizen science projects, education, water quality and overseeing the Trust’s overall strategic vision. Working alongside Antony Smith to deliver impactful projects on the ground.
Long term project officer Rich White steps down…( and joins the Trustee team)
Rich White steps down as Project Officer and moves to join the board of directors.
Long term project officer Rich White (who has diligently worked across several Welsh Rivers Trusts) is stepping down as Project Officer. We think Rich is the unofficial longest serving project officer in Wales. For decades Rich has worked single handedly across the catchment to liaise and deliver on all of our river restoration projects on the ground.
An invaluable member of the team Rich has managed to achieve impressive results for the health of our rivers. Rich is now moving across to the board of trustees to help advise and share knowledge with the new core team. In his ‘spare time’ Rich is working on his new business venture in Anglesey- Sea Pig. If you are looking for a piece of well made sea glass jewellery Rich and his wife are the dream team!
Antony Smith moves from part time Project Officer to full time Project Lead
Antony Smith has worked as a part time project officer with the trust for the past few years, whilst he has been completing his PHD on conservation and management of rare and threatened populations of Arctic charr (Torgoch) here in North Wales. With a background in Marine Science and Zoology.
Alongside this important work Antony will now lead as our main project officer liaising with stakeholders to improve natural habitats, working with farmers and landowners to improve water quality and restoring North Wales rivers for fish and other wildlife. Antony now eagerly awaits to see if his hard work on his PHD pays off..
With a stroke of luck for NWRT, this now means that Antony is moving across to be a full time project lead. Bringing his vast knowledge of freshwater fish and conservation to the role.
We are excited for the potential of North Wales Rivers Trust going forward. Over the coming weeks as we transition over into new roles we will be planning our strategic vision for the future of NWRT and the rivers within its catchment. Look out for updates!