Why are rivers important?

  • Almost 70 % of the planet is covered by water.

  • Less than 3% of it is freshwater. The rest is saline and ocean based. Even then, less than 1% of our freshwater is easily accessible.

  • Rivers not only support life as we know it, but are significant contributors to the worldwide water cycle.

  • Rivers connect habitats and biodiversity throughout our lands.

Freshwater fish are declining at an alarming rate - 76% faster than terrestrial or marine species.

- WWF Research

Welsh Rivers

The current state of our rivers is very bleak. We face battles such as climate change, increased pollution due to farming and agriculture, acidification from non native tree plantations, sewage and spills, pesticides and dumping of waste and materials. All of these issues are having a devastating effect on water quality, which is then unable to support life. Protecting our rivers is an urgent action and we must act before it is too late.

Issues facing rivers in Wales