upcoming: animation premier at llyn padarn

On the 15th November we will be showing the first screening of Sean Harris' artistic portrayal of the Eryri Torgoch at Llyn Padarn.

'Heipolymnion' meaning the lower cooler layer of water, is an immersive animation experience that takes viewers deep down into the world of the Eryri Torgoch. This emotive piece, will be projected between the trees, highlighting the beauty of the Torgoch and their struggle for survival in a declining ecosystem.

Dr Antony Smith will also give present a short talk about the Torgoch in Eryri.

Free tickets are available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/special-evening-to-raise-awareness-of-the-endangered-eryri-torgoch-tickets-1053288918509?aff=oddtdtcreator


Snorkel Surveying for Project Swimways!


Creative communication: Prosiect Torgoch