North Wales Rivers Trust

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GreenWood Family Park: Leading the Way in Green Adventure as Platinum River Champions

The North Wales Rivers Trust is thrilled to recognise GreenWood Family Park as a Platinum River Champion for their incredible sustainability efforts. GreenWood is not just about fun—it’s about making a positive impact on the environment.

Solar-Powered Fun

At GreenWood, 80% of the park’s energy comes from solar power, thanks to their impressive solar array. This means that many of the park’s rides, including the SolarSplash water slide, are powered by renewable energy, reducing their carbon footprint.

The World’s First People-Powered Coaster

GreenWood is home to the Green Dragon Roller Coaster, the world’s first people-powered ride. Visitors walk up a hill to generate the energy needed to power the coaster, making it a fun and eco-friendly experience. This innovative ride shows that sustainability can be part of the adventure!

Tree Planting and Conservation

GreenWood is also dedicated to planting trees and restoring natural habitats throughout the park. Their tree planting initiatives not only improve local biodiversity but also help offset carbon emissions. Visitors can enjoy the park’s lush, green spaces while knowing they’re helping to support the environment.

Smart Water Use and Conservation

GreenWood Family Park takes water conservation seriously by using a rainwater harvesting system to collect and reuse rainwater throughout the park. This rainwater is not only used to keep the grounds looking green, but it also plays a key role in flushing the park’s toilets. By reusing water in this way, GreenWood is significantly reducing its reliance on mains water, helping to conserve this valuable resource while maintaining an eco-friendly and sustainable environment for visitor

Eco Activities for All Ages

Families can take the green fun home with them, too. GreenWood’s Eco Hub offers workshops and activities that teach visitors about composting, waste reduction, and other eco-friendly habits. From crafting with recycled materials to learning about sustainable living, the park helps inspire families to make greener choices in their daily lives.

Zero Waste and Local Sourcing

GreenWood takes waste reduction seriously, operating with a zero-waste philosophy that eliminates single-use plastics and encourages visitors to recycle and compost. Even the food served in the park is locally sourced, cutting down on emissions and supporting local farmers.

A Green Future

By becoming a Platinum River Champion, GreenWood Family Park is proving that a successful business can also be a responsible one. With their solar-powered attractions, tree planting efforts, and commitment to sustainability, they’re paving the way for a greener future.