NWRT adoption of the Ogwen Discharge Sensor

We are excited to announce that the North Wales Rivers Trust has taken over the management and operation of the Ogwen Discharge Sensor from Bangor University. This state-of-the-art sensor is located on the lower section of the Afon Ogwen. This provides vital data for investigations into flood events and the correlation between high flow and fecal coliforms. By adopting the sensor, the North Wales Rivers Trust aims to enhance its monitoring capabilities and strengthen its commitment to the conservation and protection of the Menai Straits through further research into one of the major catchment systems.

The station takes a measurement every 15 minutes and automatically uploads the results online. The measurements include discharge, level, surface velocity, and the power supply. Occasionally during periods of very low flow, the flow will appear to be in the negative. This is caused by back eddies under the sensor.

Example of data recorded at the beginning of October.

We are hoping to make the data publicly available in the coming months on the Menai Strait Partnership Forum website. Keep an eye out for any updates.


Afon Wygyr Site Visit


World Rivers Day