3. Build community engagement through education & awareness.
There is much that could be done to raise public awareness of the value and issues facing our rivers. Key to this is the need to connect communities to their local river. North Wales Rivers Trusts could play a major role in bringing this about through information, education and by facilitating citizen science to monitor the state of our rivers.
Secure funding for river guardian schemes across our catchment
Promote Citizen Science schemes Connect the public with their rivers and the river trust
Share with business, industry, government and the public about water pollution and its affects within our catchment using press, social media and video.
Build on the egg hatchery programme- writing a relevant scheme of work.
Write a scheme of work for KS2/3/4
Promote work experience opportunities for KS5/further education linking with Welsh bacc volunteer opportunities and Bangor University.
Identify gaps in knowledge and support research into new and emerging issues on rivers
Secure funding for 'river guardian' schemes across Wales.
Explore opportunities to develop out advisory and consultancy services to be regarded as the trusted and authoritative organisation on river restoration and ecology in our catchment.
Provide sustainable, local training and employment.
Promote Citizen Science schemes Connecting the public with their rivers.
Develop educational material to support the National Curriculum of Wales by 2023 (for related environmental and water topics)