North Wales Rivers Trust

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We are excited to announce that the North Wales Rivers Trust are setting up four new River Hubs across our catchment to gather data on invertebrates. This initiative is part of a broader effort to monitor and protect our precious river ecosystems. With your help, we aim to gather crucial data on the health of our rivers and take actionable steps to safeguard the wildlife that depends on them.

What Are Smart Rivers Hubs?

SmartRivers hubs are community-led monitoring stations where volunteers like you will help collect and analyse invertebrate samples from our rivers. These tiny creatures are more than just river dwellers—they are key indicators of water quality and overall ecosystem health. By monitoring their presence and diversity, we can identify pollution sources, track environmental changes, and support the conservation of wild fish populations.

Why Do We Need Volunteers?

Your involvement is critical to the success of this project. As a volunteer, you’ll receive specialised training to help you identify invertebrates and understand the science behind river health. This is more than just data collection; it’s about empowering our community to take an active role in gathering data to protect our waterways. The data we gather will not only help us advocate for cleaner, healthier rivers but also contribute to a national database that tracks the state of rivers across the UK.

Where/when will the River Hub trainings take place?

Our first river hubs and trainings will be in the following locations and the initial training will take place:

Afon Ogwen - September 17th, 09.00 - 16.00

Afon Braint - September 18th, 09.00 - 16.00

Llanberis - October 9th, 09.00 - 16.00

Rhosneigr - October 1st, 09.00 - 16.00

To sign up to attend the river hub training please email